new artwork "ascension"

“ascension” (2020)
When the Russian inventor and pioneer of astronautic theory Konstantin Tsiolkovsky first saw the Eiffel Tower in Paris in 1895, the sight of it inspired him with a strange and rather quixotic idea. The American engineer and space scientist Jerome Pearson turned this idea into a model which he presented to NASA in 1969. Arthur C. Clark, science fiction author und creator of 2001 – A Space Odyssey took up Tsiolkovsky’s futuristic vision in his 1979 novel The Fountains of Paradise, introducing it to a worldwide audience. This vision was nothing less than a space elevator – a platform circling the Earth at a height of 36,000 km and attached to the Earth's surface by a gigantic cable. An elevator capsule travels up this cable at a speed of some 200 km an hour to the platform in geostationary orbit moving at the same rotational speed as the Earth. The journey into space would start from some point in the ocean, preferably some point near the equator, from a platform swimming in the sea or mounted on an island from where a gigantic cable would reach up into the heavens. The material composition of the elevator cable itself is the most essential requirement for putting an elevator into space. It must be extremely lightweight yet strong enough to withstand the tremendous forces to which it's exposed, strong enough not to snap under its own sheer weight. Such a cable could be fabricated from carbon nanotubes which are harder than steel yet much lighter and more elastic. So far attempts have only succeeded in producing nanotubes of a few centimetres in length in the laboratory, but this could well change in future. The Obayashi Corporation in Japan recently presented a detailed technical concept and plans to build a space elevator by the year 2050.
The work “ascension” visualises the utopian vision of a space elevator. The picture's composition brings the three elements of ocean surface, island, and clouds together forming a sublime landscape bathed in dramatic light. The picture is divided in the middle by a vertical black line which also serves as a connecting element and is reminiscent of Barnett Newman‘s famous Zip Paintings. Viewers approach the picture from a distance with a wandering elevated gaze which, as they draw near, glides over the surface of the water, confronts the island from where it is catapulted straight upwards. In the background the horizon softly dissolves into clouds, the surface of the earth merges seamlessly with the sky. The horizontal breadth, the elevated gaze, and the vertically rising line conjoin the terrestrial world with space above it. The natural landscape evocative of paintings by Caspar David Friedrich has an added disruptive technological element, the taut cable of the space elevator connecting Earth with outer space. While the landscape elements were photographed by the artist from aboard a helicopter, the cable itself is a peculiarity as it is based on an electron microscope shot of a tiny fibre of a carbon nanotube produced in the laboratory and digitally reworked into a giant sky-climbing cable. In reaching the upper edge of the picture and disappearing softly into the clouds, it opens an infinite transcendental space in which the viewer's imagination can freely roam.
Michael Najjar nominated for Prix Pictet

Greenland Expedition documentary
Art Basel Miami Beach

new artwork "arctic streams"

Exhibition views Fotografiska Stockholm

Solo presentation at Paris Photo

Exhibition at Fotografiska Stockholm

Residency at Shanghai Museum of Glass

Lecture Astronomy Museum Shanghai

DEEP PURPLE - Scientific Expedition to Greenland

Exhibition at Kunsthalle Bahnitz

flashback: UKE Hamburg

new artwork "netropolis | shenzhen | 2024"

Interview with Space Ambition

new artwork "CDF-X"

Exhibition JUT Art Museum, Taipei

new artwork "fusion power"

ARCO Madrid

Exhibition "A Constant State of Transformation", Melbourne

Podcast "FotoPsychoLogisch"

Symposium "Enter the Future"

Exhibition at Caixa Forum, Madrid

Exhibition at ArtScience Museum, Singapore

"orbital ascent" special edition

Exhibition at BANK Gallery, Shanghai

Podcast "Fotografie neu denken"

Michael shoots at ITER Fusion Ractor in France

Nanjing Artfair, China

Wired UK magazine

Ars Electronica Festival - Who owns the truth?

Final test flight of Spaceship Unity

Civilization exhibition at Saatchi Gallery, London

Michael at the Starbase

new artwork "starbase II"

ART SG Singapore

"cool earth" exhibition at Studio la Città Gallery

Screening at COP27

Lecture at Deutsche Museum München

CIVILIZATION exhibition at Museo San Domenico

Frieze Seoul

Arctic expedition

Galería Juan Silió presents "cool earth" exhibition

New series "cool earth"

New Artwork "starbase"

mission:space re-edited version

new artwork "down to earth"

Michael visits STARBASE

New book "outer space v2"

Exhibition at Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg

Historic Spaceflight of VSS Unity

"Overview Effect" exhibition at Museum for Contemporary Art, Belgrade

Solo Exhibition "outer space" in Beijing

National Air and Space Museum aquires 3 artworks for permanent collection

New publication "Space is the Place - Current Reflections on Art and Architecture"

"outer space | portfolio box 2020" is now available

"New Classics of Mountains and Seas" Exhibition at Zhejiang Museum, China

"FUTURO" exhibition at Galleri d'Italia, Vincenza

"Space Works" exhibition at Tampere Art Museum, Finland

"CIVILIZATION" at Auckland Art Gallery, New Zealand

new artwork "crew dragon"

Large scale mural "lunar explorers"

skype interview with curator Benjamin Weil

"terraforming" video on view at Studio National des Arts Contemporains

VSS Unity spaceship transferred to Spaceport America

new artwork "space renaissance"

Video interview on "outer space"

"Beyond the Horizon" - exhibition at Wittenstein Innovation Factory

"outer space" exhibition opens in Shanghai

"terraforming" exhibition at Galería Juan Silio, Spain

New artwork "lunar explorers"

Photo shooting at CERN

new artwork "ignition"

"intergalactic" exhibition at BNKR in Munich

SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch

Shooting of Soyuz rocket launch in French Guiana

CIVILIZATION exhibition opened at the UCCA Beijing

Lecture at the European Space Research and Technology Center

A Bright Future - New Scientist magazine publicates the artwork "synlight"

VSS Unity - Welcome to Space !

Opening of the epic landmark exhibition „CIVILIZATION“ at Museum MCA, Seoul, South Korea

Shooting at European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

New artwork "orbital outpost"

Exhibition at Bank/MABSociety Gallery in Shanghai

Virgin Galactic completes first rocket-powered test flight of VSS UNITY spaceship

Michael takes pictures in an active volcano in New Zealand

New book publication „Planetary Echoes - Exploring the Implications of Human Settlement in Outer Space

Michael portrays the world´s biggest artificial sun

Michael participates in the exhibition “Rivoluzione Galileo. L’arte incontra la scienza”

Michael took pictures of the world´s largest telescope in China

Michael´s work now on view at the 7th Moscow Biennale 2017

Michael participates at the 7th Moscow Biennale 2017

michael najjar signs contract for cosmonaut training at yuri gagarin cosmonaut training center

Panel discussion on occasion of the exhibition “Planetary Echoes“

Video trailer of the exhibition opening "Planetary Echoes“

Alfred Ehrhardt Foundation Berlin presents Michael´s new solo exhibition "Planetary Echoes“.

UK Business Traveller Magazine features “Space Suite“ on the cover

Photo- and video shooting in Iceland

Michael portrays future Mars robot „Valkyrie“ at Edinburgh Centre for Robotics

Michael takes pictures of Arianespace VA233 milestone mission

Michael Najjar is one of the few Hasselblad Ambassadors worldwide.

Exhibition at Reggio Emilia / Palazzo da Mosta

Michael visits the new SpaceShipTwo at SpaceShipCompany in the Mojave desert.

„Space Suite“ shortlisted for European Hotel Award

Michael Najjar photographs the Vulcain 2 rocket engine in France

“space garden“ at museum Marta Herford

„outer space“ exhibition opens in New York

VA229 Mission successful launched into space

Virgin Galactic unveils new spaceship 16 months after fatal crash

Michael has arrived at Guiana Space Center

Michael inaugurates solo exhibition „outer space“ at Kunstverein Oldenburg, Germany

Exo-Evolution Exhibition at ZKM Museum, Karlsruhe

Michael took pictures at :envihab - Future Research Center for Space and Earth

Michael opens the world´s first Space Suite in Zurich

Studio La Città presents Michael´s solo show "outer space“

Michael completed basic suborbital space training program at NASTAR

Michael Najjar – one of the first test persons to perform jump and vibration training on the next generation DLR centrifuge

Solo exhibition at Museo Es Baluard, Palma, Spain

WIRED MAGAZINE features a large online article by Alyssa Coppelman on Michael Najjar´s "outer space" series.

Exhibition at Galería Juan Silió, Santander, Spain

New artwork related to the SpaceshipTwo Crash

New artwork „oscillating universe“

Article in The Wall Street Journal

MISSION:SPACE - Documentary Film Preview

Michael Najjar exhibits at Peter Kilchmann Gallery, Zurich

Michael participates at Kochi-Muziris Biennale, India

"Michael Najjar - outer space book published - Introduction essay by Buzz Aldrin

SpaceshipTwo crashes during testflight

"outer space" presented in Parabol Art Magazine Curated issue by Peter Weibel (Director ZKM)

Michael photographs the Eden Project

HALO Jump - video documentation

Michael´s work featured in ELEFANT Art Magazine

Michael is the first artist ever to perform a HALO Jump from an altitude of 10,000 m / 32,800 ft

Michael took pictures at Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan

DISTANZ to publish Michael Najjar's "outer space"

First presentation of "outer space" in Berlin

German TV Arts Programm "titel thesen temperamente" shows a portrait of Michael Najjar

Article + interview in "uncube" magazine

Article in Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin

Arte TV features Michael´s working at ALMA

Article in Greenpeace Magazine, Germany

Michael has done a photoshooting at the Atacama desert

Michael returns to Star City for Cosmonaut Training

Michael photographs at JPL cleanroom

Michael visits Mojave Air and Space Port

michael takes a dose of centrifugal training

michael takes a dose of centrifugal training

"spacewalk" - first video work from the series

michael najjar starts collaboration with hasselblad

michael najjar completes first phase of cosmonaut training

michael najjar photographs "short arm centrifuge (sahc)" at the german aerospace center.

michael najjar photographs the james webb space telescope

michael at tedXkiruna conference, sweden

norman foster views the new work

article on wallpaper magazine

first work from the new series

"first artist in space" - interview on artnet

michael najjar meets richard branson

historic final mission

new series "outer space"