michael najjar starts collaboration with hasselblad
world famous camera producer hasselblad will collobarate with michael najjar on his "outer sapce" series. the swedish company was founded in 1941 by victor hasselblad. for nearly four decades now, hasselblad has supplied camera equipment to the nasa space program. there are few achievements in the history of man that rival our explorations into space. and few images as unifying, moving, and widely recognized as those photographs taken during these journeys. photos that have changed the way we see our world and ourselves. these photos were taken with hasselblad cameras.
few would deny that the now over four decades of space photography have given us a new worldview. the basic laws of science have not changed as a result of these
images; the ideas of kepler, newton, and einstein have not been eclipsed by photos from beyond our planet. however these pictures from space have added new dimensions to our understanding of this, our own small section of the milky way. they have changed the way we view the universe and our part in it. they have made us feel small, made us feel large, and made us feel bound to one another as humans.
michael is very much honoured having the opportunity to work with the most advanced hasselblad camera systems to create new images and art work visualizing the future of space travel. hasselblad will be a longterm partner on the "outer space" project. www.hasselblad.com